The Sound of Movies

Movies are arguably the most visually appealing storytelling medium, but as we’ve known for decades, their attraction is severely diminised without sound. And what is a soundtrack without music? Well, just a bunch of noises, right?

In this episode of the Liberation Frequency, we are taking our first look at movie soundtracks. Which ones are the most memorable? Which ones are our favourites? Can a soundtrack make or break a movie… or an artist?

With this being our first Podcast in a while, we also have a lot of regular stuff to catch up, including the first wave of summer blockbusters. Star Trek: Into DarknessIron Man 3World War Z.

All those… and The Book of Mormon!

Note: It took us ages to edit this episode as it contains lots of music. So apologies if it’s a bit later than the studio chat would suggest. It also contains SPOILERS! You have been warned!

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